Annual Awards
William McAdams Outstanding Service Award
About the Award:
The McAdams Award is presented annually by the ABHP for significant contributions toward the advancement of professionalism in Health Physics and to the Certification process.
Nominees shall be CHPs who have served the health physics community through outstanding and extended work on the ABHP Examination Panels, ABHP Board, AAHP Continuing Education Committee, AAHP Executive Committee, other AAHP committees, teaching or other assistance in increasing knowledge of HPs, or other areas that enhance the professionalism of health physics.
2024 Winner:

Kyle Kleinhans
Citation provided by David C. Medich, Ph.D. CHP
On behalf of the American Board of Health Physics, it is my privilege to award Mr. Kyle Kleinhans the 2024 William A. McAdams Outstanding Service Award. This award, established in 1989, honors those certified health physicists who have made significant contributions toward the advancement of professionalism in health physics and to its certification process. In conferring this award, the committee specifically noted Kyle’s outstanding accomplishments in and dedication toward the Health Physics Certification process.
Kyle became a Certified Health Physicist in 1994 and has since been actively helping to advance the Health Physics profession at all levels. On the local level, Kyle served as the East Tennessee Chapter of the Health Physics Society (HPS)’s Awards and Nominating Committee Chair, and was later the chapter’s Secretary, Treasurer, and President. More broadly, Kyle also served on the HPS Nominating Committee, HPS Science Teacher Workshop Committee, HPS History Committee, and the HPS Standards Committee. He was an Associate Editor, and later Editor, of the CHP Newsletter, and is a member of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It was this tireless work and dedication that led to Kyle’s appointment in 2017 as a Fellow of the HPS.
With respect to his dedication toward our certification process, Mr. Kyle Kleinhans served as a member of the American Academy of Health Physics (AAHP) Ad Hoc Committee on Standard Operating Procedures, the AAHP Nominating Committee, and the AAHP Board of Directors. As an AAHP Board Member, he served as both its Parliamentarian and President. After completing his term with the AAHP, Kyle next was elected to the Leadership Board of the American Board of Health Physics (ABHP), where he served as our Secretary and later our Chair. As an ABHP Chair, Kyle was known for the many initiatives that he spearheaded, such as his work to clarify the ABHP Exam appeals process, the update to the ABHP candidate qualification standards, and to the updates in the ABHP Prospectus Manual, Procedures Manual, and the ABHP Policy Manual.
It is therefore my honor to confer this 2024 William A. McAdams Outstanding Service Award, along with the recognition and applause associated with it, to Mr. Kyle Kleinhans.
David C. Medich, Ph.D. CHP
Past Winners Include:
- 1989 - John W. Healy
- 1990 - H. Wade Patterson
- 1991 - Richard R. Bowers
- 1992 - Lester A. Slaback, Jr.
- 1993 - Ken Skrable
- 1994 - Leroy R. Booth
- 1995 - William R. Casey
- 1996 - Frazier L. Bronson
- 1997 - Robert Martin Ryan
- 1998 - Dale H. Denham
- 1999 - Bryce L. Rich
- 2000 - James E. Turner
- 2001 - George J. Vargo, Jr.
- 2002 - Paul L. Ziemer
- 2003 - Herman Cember
- 2004 - Edward F. Maher
- 2005 - Dade W. Moeller
- 2006 - William C. Reinig
- 2007 - Kathryn H. Pryor
- 2008 - James S. Willison
- 2009 - Michael S. Terpilak
- 2010 - Nancy P. Kirner
- 2011 - Jerry W. Hiatt
- 2012 - Robert N. Cherry, Jr.
- 2013 - Kent N. Lambert
- 2014 - Lester K. Aldrich II
- 2015 - Nora Nicholson
- 2016 - James E. Tarpinian
- 2017 - Charles A. "Gus" Potter
- 2018 - Govind Rao
- 2019 - Willam G. Rhodes III
- 2020 - Kathleen Dinnel-Jones
- 2021 - Wayne Gaul
- 2022 - Wei-Hsung Wang
- 2023 - Cindy M. Flannery
Joyce P. Davis Memorial Award
About the Award:
The Davis Award is an AAHP award given in memory and honor of Joyce P. Davis in recognition of her dedication to the advancement of health physics and her humanitarian efforts to uphold the ethics of the profession. The recipient of this award demonstrates these extraordinary qualities exemplified by Joyce P. Davis, distinguishing themselves for excellence in professional achievement as well as being a champion of ethical behavior.
Those eligible for the award must be:
2024 Winner:

Dr. Robert Emery
Citation provided by Shawn Googins, MS, CHP Chair Professional Standards and Ethics
Dr. Robert Emery's career accomplishments reflect his expertise, dedication, and contributions to the field of health physics through his professional activities and his continuous pursuit of knowledge and excellence. This is exemplified by his dedication to advancing the health physics profession through his extensive educational background, numerous board certifications in areas of safety even outside of health physics, participation in professional enrichment programs of the HPS and AAHP, as well as mentoring future Certified Health Physicists.
As succinctly stated in one of his nomination support letters, he has been involved for approximately the half-life of Cs-137 with memberships in the National HPS and South Texas Health Physics chapter (STC-HPS) since 1998, and has held various leadership roles in the Chapter including President. He has over 41 years in the field of Health Physics.
His most recent contribution, to a list of already impressive contributions in both local chapters and the national Health Physics Society, was his thought-provoking and informative AAHP Course this past Saturday titled “Ethical Decision-Making Tools for Enhancing Radiation Safety Culture: Should ethics be compulsory refresher training for practicing professionals?” He has also contributed to the field through his research and publication in prestigious journals, of course, including “Operational Health Physics.”
Dr. Emery has emphasized the importance of ethics in the health physics profession, integrating ethics lectures into his courses and addressing common ethical dilemmas faced by radiation safety professionals. His commitment to mentoring and elevating the profession includes providing instruction to underserved populations, further highlighting his impact on the field. Dr. Emery's contributions to health physics, including the consideration of ethical behavior and training, make him a deserving recipient of the Joyce P. Davis Memorial Award for 2024.
Past Winners Include:
- 2002 - John J. Kelly
- 2004 - James E. Tarpinian
- 2006 - Carol D. Berger
- 2008 - Howard W. Dickson
- 2010 - Frazier L. Bronson
- 2014 - Bryce Rich
- 2016 - John Frazier
- 2018 - Charles Roessler
- 2019 - Dennis Quinn
- 2020 - Douglas Minnema
- 1999 - Bryce L. Rich
- 2000 - James E. Turner
- 2021 - Charles "Gus" Potter
- 2022 - Samuel L. Baker
- 2023 - James P. Tarzia
Nancy K. Johnson National Service Award
About the Award:
This award is presented in honor of Nancy K. Johnson to individuals who have provided exceptional service to the Academy during the immediate Past President's term of office.
2024 Winner:

Brant Ulsh, Ph.D., CHP
Citation provided by Carolyn MacKenzie, CHP, AAHP Past President 2024
It is my honor to award Dr. Brant Ulsh the Nancy K. Johnson National Service Award for 2024 in recognition of his service to the AAHP during my presidency.
In 2023, Dr. Brant served on the AAHP Professional Standards and Ethics Committee as the chair of the committee. It was determined that the AAHP needed a “Respectful Behavior Policy” and the committee under Dr. Ulsh’s leadership, diligently worked to balance competing interests, professionalism, and goodwill to achieve consensus and produce the new policy which was accepted by the Executive Committee.
The committee under Dr. Ulsh’s leadership also had an active year with complaints of unethical practices by Certified Health Physicists (CHPs). The adjudication of these claims required extensive work reviewing documents, conducting interviews and holding committee meetings. Throughout the process, Dr. Ulsh adhered closely to the complex procedures established for these situations, maintaining noteworthy integrity to the process each step of the way. He worked closely with his committee to successfully achieve consensus. The result was a fair and balanced outcome for all parties. I am nominating Dr. Ulsh for this award in recognition of the value he added to our organization on many levels with his integrity, skills and excellent judgement while carrying out his duties as chair of the AAHP Professional Standards and Ethics Committee.
Past Winners Include:
- 2008 - Nancy Johnson
- 2009 - E. Scott Medling
- 2010 - Dan Strom
- 2011 - Kyle Kleinhans
- 2012 - Sandra J. Brereton
- 2013 - Dan Mantooth
- 2015 - James S. Willison
- 2017 - Timothy Taulbee
- 2022 - James Nunn
- 2023 - Andy Miller
ABHP Bill Fitzgerald Service Award
About the Award:
The ABHP is excited to announce the new ABHP Bill Fitzgerald Service Award. This award may be made annually by the ABHP to honor an Active or Emeritus Certified Health Physicist who has provided exceptional service to the ABHP during the immediate previous Chair's term of office. This award may be bestowed posthumously.
2024 Winner:

Andrea Geyer
The Bill Fitzgerald Service Award may be made annually by the immediate past American Board of Health Physics (ABHP) Chair to honor an Active or Emeritus Certified Health Physicist who has provided exceptional service to the ABHP during the immediate previous Chair’s term of service.
Andrea Geyer’s service to the ABHP has been truly outstanding. She has been an innovator and champion of change. She has been a teacher and mentor to everyone involved in the exam process, and most notably she has led by example. Her work ethic and dedication have been an inspiration to us all.
In 2023 Andrea Geyer successfully steered the Part II Panel and the Board through the transition to an online grading process. Andrea did this while performing the duties of Part II Panel Chair. 2023 was the first year for online grading and Andrea was instrumental in navigating the ABHP and Part II Panel through this process. The exam grading using this new process was completed flawlessly.
Andrea’s efforts also included overhauling the exam questions balloting process by updating the validation and domains of practice scales with concise definitions for ranking each question. Andrea also developed a new heatmap-style spreadsheet to show candidate exam performance in addition to the traditional exam result reports.
Once the 2023 exam cycle was completed, Andrea jumped in to provide Part II Panel revisions to the ABHP Procedures manual. With assistance from John Dixon and Bill Fitzgerald, Andrea coordinated the revisions and ensured they were delivered to the ABHP Parliamentarian, Rod Reed.
Andrea is currently the Assistant Radiation Safety Officer at the FDA within the Office of the Chief Scientist – Office of Laboratory Safety. Prior to working at the FDA, she began her federal service at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission where she served as a Regional Reactor Inspector and then moved to the Department of the Navy where she reviewed Master Materials Licenses and performed inspections of radiography and radiative materials uses Navy wide. As a mom and military spouse, she became an educator and taught Health Physics at Old Dominion University and Physics on the high school and community college level. Later, returning to federal service, she managed the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NNPP)’s Corporate Radiation Health Branch delivering health physics support to fleet assets and shipyards. This work included creation, development and delivery of a 6-week course for the NNPP to create its own health physicists in house. Her work also included corporate dosimetry and fielding of new radiation safety equipment. She has been a member of the ABHP Exam Panel for 6 years and is the current Past Chair. She was Virginia Chapter HPS President in 2017. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from The College of New Jersey and her Master of Science degree in Radiation Safety and Protection from the University of Massachusetts - Lowell. She became a Certified Health Physicist in 1997.
Andrea's previous experience as an educator provided great insight for revising the Part II Exam process. Her monumental efforts are recognized with this 2024 Bill Fitzgerald Service Award for improving the ABHP Part II Exam process.
Past Winners Include:
- 2023 - Bill Fitzgerald