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Recertification Overview

Certification Maintenance

Certified Health Physicists (CHPs) must regularly meet all requirements to maintain an active certification status:

  1. Ongoing membership with the AAHP
  2. 80 continuing education credits have been earned within your current renewal period
  3. Submission of a recertification application every four years
  4. Engagement in health physics at a professional level more than 25% of the time (annually)

Note: Emeritus CHPs do not need to maintain requirements 2 through 4.

Managing Continuing Education

The link on this page to the Certification Dashboard will direct you to an online portal where you may enter your CECs at any time. Once you have 80 credits approved in the portal, you would then need to formally submit your online recertificaiton application every four years. This action can only be completed when your renewal is due.

Certification Renewal Application:

To renew your certification or view/submit Continuing Education Credits (CECs),
visit your Certification Dashboard.

Pre-Approved Courses:

A.A total of 80 continuing education credits (CEC) is required for recertification. No single course, meeting, or activity shall be awarded more than one half of the credits needed for recertification. In order to qualify for credit towards meeting the continuing education requirements for recertification by the American Board of Health Physics (ABHP) all courses and other activities must be approved by the Continuing Education Committee of the American Academy of Health Physics (hereafter referred to as "the Committee"). Application for approval may be made directly to the Chairperson of the Committee by the sponsor of a continuing education activity or by a Certified Health Physicist (CHP) who will participate or has participated in the activity. Application for activities that are listed on the pre-approved list under Section III need not be made. Applicants are urged to submit their requests far enough in advance that a decision can be made by the Committee and announced before a scheduled activity begins. Applications must be in the form specified by the Committee and be complete in all respects. The CHP applying for recertification is responsible for maintaining the documentation supporting CECs claimed on the recertification application. The Committee does not maintain individual records of CECs granted.

B.In the context of this Policy, a "continuing education activity" is an activity that contributes to the continuing health physics education of a Certified Health Physicist. Such activities may be formal or informal; however, all activities should contribute to the technical competence of the CHP's professional practice of health physics. Such activities include subjects used directly in health physics work, but not usually designated as health physics; for example, courses in statistics, meteorology as applied to environmental dose assessment, reactor chemistry, or reactor systems training, radiation biology, industrial hygiene, data base management, program management, etc. A Committee member will evaluate each submitted activity on the basis of content and applicability, duration and applicant's statement of applicability to the CHP's current health physics responsibilities. After evaluating these factors, the Committee member will assign each activity a number of continuing education credit in accordance with the criteria established under paragraph D.

C.If the applicant does not agree with the number of credits assigned, the application may be resubmitted with an explanation of the bases for increased credit. In this case, it will be reevaluated by the Committee. If the applicant is not satisfied with the Committee's reevaluation, an appeal may be made to the Executive Committee of the AAHP. The decision of the AAHP Executive Committee shall be final

D.The following guidelines have been established by the Committee for awarding continuing education credit. Participation in pre-approved activities (Section III) do not require submission of an application. Additional activities will be added to the pre-approved list as they are identified. Four major categories of continuing education activities have been approved for CHPs who wish to obtain CEC. These are:

Group A - Formal Educational Activities
Group B - Publications, Reports, and Presentations
Group C - Professional Society Participation
Group D - Other Professional Activities
Group E - Non-technical, related Activities, e.g., advanced technical writing and presentation skills. (Does not include basic computer skills course.

Activities of a continuing nature such as technical committee membership that do not run concurrent with a CHP's four year recertification cycle may be prorated between successive recertification cycles. Further explanation of activities approved for continuing education credit follow.

Maximum Credits
Health Physics Society Professional Development School (3 days minimum) If less than 3 days, to be evaluated by CE Committee 40
College course* related to a topic on the certification examination 24/credit hour (40 credit maximum)
College course* in a related engineering, science, or medical topic 12/credit hour (40 credit maximum)
Short course, seminar, or workshop** covering a health physics topic on the certification examination 2/contact hour(40 credit maximum)
Short course** related to the practice of health physics 1/contact hour(40 credit maximum)

College Courses*: These are bonafide offerings by accredited institutions for which academic credit is offered. These courses must be professionally enhancing. Courses can be audited or taken for credit. Instructors cannot obtain credit for teaching the course if it is a routine part of their job.

Short Courses, Symposia, and Workshops**: These are technical courses, symposia, and workshops in specialized health physics areas. Note: Course sponsors or organizers are strongly encouraged to provide certificates of attendance or other forms of recognition to the attendees.

Maximum Credits
Book: Health physics or health physics related book - single author  (Credit for joint authorship will be determined by the committee) 40
Book Chapter: Health physics or health physics related book chapter -single author (Credit for joint authorship will be determined by thecommittee) 16
Publication* of health physics related article in a professional journal 16
Paper presentations** at professional meetings on a health physics related topic 8
Poster presentations** at professional meetings on a health physicsrelated topic 8
Publication* of a technical article in the Health Physics News 2
Instructor; College course - only if not a faculty member 16/semester hour
Lecture presentation** - only if not a primary responsibility 2/contact hour

Publications*:Sole authors, joint authors, and authors of chapters are eligible to receive credit. Credit awarded to joint authors and authors of chapters will be based on their contribution to the total work.

Presentations**:These are technical presentations at a local, regional, or national scientific meeting on a health physics related topic. Credit is given for either the presentation or publication, not both.

Maximum Credits
Scientific Meetings* 1 per contact hour (40credit maximum) per meeting
Local Chapter Meetings 2 per meeting (must include technical agenda)
Topical symposia on health physics subjects 1 per contact hour (40 credit maximum)
SHealth physics related technical committee** membership (ASME, ASTM, etc.) 4 per year

Note:Group C Credits based on contact hours do not include meals without technical content and/or business meetings.

Scientific meetings*: Scientific meetings offer the CHP the opportunity to keep abreast of current developments and to maintain and upgrade skills. Applications for credit should include a copy of the program for the meeting.

Technical Committee Participation**: Participation in standards committee and other technical committees such as NCRP working groups, ABHP and the Panels of Examiners, etc. provide important opportunities to advance the profession of health physics as well as enhance the knowledge and skills of the CHP.

Maximum Credits
Professional Self Development To be assigned

Professional self development is intended as a means for the CHP to upgrade professional skills through an individualized reading program. This self-study program shall normally include new technical advances in the field of health physics. The self-study program must be submitted on the Self-Study Program Form provided for this purpose. Completion of the self-study program shall be documented by the CHP on the Self-Study Program Form.

Maximum Credits - an individual CHP may submit a maximum of 2 such activities per cycle, however, these activities may be assigned approved credits for all attendees
Advance Technical Writing - not required for a degree program 1/full day, up to a maximum of 2 per activity
Oral Presentation Skills 1/full day, up to a maximum of 2 per activity
Computer Database Management - related to the management of technical data 1/full day, up to a maximum of 2 per activity
Computer Software - related to the operation of health physics related instrumentation and calculations Up to a maximum of 2, in addition to any credit awarded for the technical aspects of the activity
Other activities 1/full day, up to a maximum of 2 per activity

Non-technical related activities are intended to enhance the CHPs ability to perform professional functions. These include, but are not limited to, vendor provided courses in health physics instrumentation and calculation software. The credits awarded in this category are in addition to any which might be awarded for the technical content of such courses. Other categories of activities which are included are advanced communications skills, risk communication, and advanced technical writing (not including basic skill courses, such as those required by college degree programs). Other activities will be considered on the basis of their applicability tot he professional development of the CHP.

It is not intended that these activities make up a significant portion of the recertification credits. Therefore, credits awarded are limited to 1 per full day or 2 per activity. No more than 2 activities of this category may be submitted during any 4-year cycle. However, the presenter or sponsor may apply for credits for the general activity. However, an individual CHP attending such an activity may only submit those credits, as listed above.

A: All applications for CEC should be made using the form provided for this purpose. Documentation supporting and supplementing the information on application may be attached to the form.

B: Every attempt will be made to inform the applicant of the number of CECs granted within ten weeks from receipt of an application.

C: Symposia and professional meetings do not usually follow a formal instructional or tutorial format. As shown in Section III, annual and mid-year meetings of the Health Physics Society and other professional meetings have been granted continuing education credits. Other organized symposia and professional meetings with a related health physics theme and featuring recognized experts may be considered for continuing education credits.

D: "In-house" training conducted at the CHP's facility or institution may receive continuing education credit. The number of credits assigned is directly related to the applicability of the training to health physics practices and the ability of the CHP to enhance his/her health physics responsibilities.

E: All formal educational activities (Category A) submitted for evaluation will require an abstract or syllabus for basis of content, activity length, and the applicant's statement and explanation of applicability to current health physics responsibilities or maintenance of health physics skills. An instructor's resume is not required.

F: Applications for approval of CECs for activities other than formal educational activities (Category A) should include, as a minimum, a description of the activity, a statement of its relevance to the professional health physics capabilities of the applicant, and the amount of time that the applicant is involved in the activity. Additional supportive evidence or explanation may be requested by the Committee at any time to aid in the review and awarding of CEC.

G: Additional supportive evidence or explanation may be requested by the Committee at any time to aid in the review and awarding of CEC.

The following section includes three groups of activities which are pre-approved.

Health Physics Society Professional Development School (3 days minimum) If less than 3 days, to be evaluated by CE Committee 40
HPS continuing education lecture at annual or mid-year meeting (prior to 12/31/2020; after that date, courses are individually approved) (1 hr lecture) 2/lecture
HPS Professional Enrichment Program at annual or mid-year meeting (prior to 12/31/2020; after that date, courses are individually approved)(2 hr lecture) 4/lecture
AAHP Professional Enrichment Program at annual or mid-year meeting (8 hr lecture) 16/lecture (attendee)
ABHP examination panel workshops 4/day
Short courses or workshops - related engineering, science, etc. No pre-approval at this time

Note:Recordings of HPS Continuing Education Lectures, Professional Enrichment Programs, and AAHP Courses at the HPS meetings are eligible for the same credit as if the individual was present at the activity. However, credit for these activities are only available for a period of 4 years from original presentation.

Book or book chapter on health physics or health physics related subjec No pre-approval; submit upon publication
Publications; journal article No pre-approval; submit upon publication
Publication or software review 4
Technical editor or peer reviewer for Journal Articles 2 per article
Paper or poster presentation at meetings:
  • HPS Annual or Mid-Year
  • American Association of Physicists in Medicine
  • American Nuclear Society Radiation Protection and Shielding Division
  • American Nuclear Society (other)
  • American Chemical Society Nuclear Chemistry Division
  • American Chemical Society (other)
  • American Industrial Hygiene Association (health Physics topic)
  • American Industrial Hygiene Association
  • 8
  • 8
  • 8
  • 4
  • 8
  • 4
  • 8
  • 4
Other scientific or technical societies No pre-approval; submit upon presentation
Instructor - college course (only if not a full time faculty member) No pre-approval
Lecture presentation (only if not a primary responsibility):
  • HPS continuing education lecture at HPS Annual or Mid-Year (1 hr lecture)(where the CEL was awarded CECs)
  • HPS Professional Enrichment Program at HPS Annual or Mid-Year Meeting (2 hr lecture) (where the PEP was awarded CECs)
  • AAHP Professional Enrichment Program at HPS Annual or Mid-Year Meeting (8 hr lecture)
  • 2
  • 4
  • 20/lecture (instructor)
Published technical reports No pre-approval; submit upon publication
Scientific Meetings - Regional, National, and International:such as:
  • Health Physics Society
  • International Commission on Radiological Protection
  • American Nuclear Society
  • American Association of Physicists in Medicine
  • American Industrial Hygiene Association
  • National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
  • American Chemical Society
  • Society for Nuclear Medicine
  • Campus Radiation Safety Officers
  • Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors
  • Radiological Society of North America
  • Annual Conference on Bioassay, Analytical, and Environmental Radiochemistry
  • International Radiation Protection Association
  • American Society of Safety Engineers
  • Edison Electric Institute
  • Society for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Electric Power Research Institute
  • Waste Management Symposium
  • American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)
1 per contact hour (40 credit maximum) Note: contact hours do not include meals without technical content and/or business meetings
Local Chapter Meetings:
  • Health Physics Society
  • American Nuclear Society
  • American Association of Physicists in Medicine
  • American Industrial Hygiene Association
2 per meeting
Acceptance by Part I or Part II Panel of questions submitted for inclusion in ABHP examination. 1 per Part I question 4 per Part II question
Submittal of copy of written acceptance from Panel required for credit. (Current Panel members excluded.) Maximum of 16 per recertification cycle.
Question selected for consideration written by Part I Panel Member 1 per Part I question Maximum of 4 per year
Question selected for workshop written by Part II Panel Member 4 per Part II question Maximum of 8 per year
American Board of Health Physics (at the discretion of the Board Chair) 8/yr
Examination Panel Chairs 16/yr
Part II Panel Members (at the discretion of the Panel Chair) 16/yr
Part I Panel Members (at the discretion of the Panel Chair) 8/yr
Grading of Part II examinations(if not a member of the Part II Panel) 8/yr
Review of the Part II Exam(if not a member of the Part II Panel) ("3 Wise Men" team) 8/yr
National and International health physics related technical or standards committee and working groups:
  • HPS Standards Committee
  • American Nuclear Society
  • American Association of Physicists in Medicine
  • American National Standards Institute (health physics-related)
  • National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
  • American Society for Testing and Materials
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  • International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
  • International Atomic Energy Agency
Name Instructions/Comments
Application for Self-Study Continuing Education Credits Application for self-study programs shall be made on the attached Application for Continuing Education Credit for Self-Study. The applicant should be able to summarize the reason for choosing the topic and materials for self-study
Application for Renewal of Certification Note that this form is for legacy purposes only and is not currently used. See information above about Recertification.
Application for Emeritus Status Emeritus status may be granted to an active CHP in good standing who has retired from active professional practice because of age or health.