2025 CE Course Information NOW AVAILABLE! Click Here for Full Course Details

AAHP Virtual CE Courses Announced

We are excited to introduce a new program for both our CHP members and those interested in learning more about topics related to health physics.

The AAHP is committed to providing more programming and content from industry leaders in 2024 with a new virtual course series. To kick it off, we have arranged for three consecutive days of events from December 19 to 21.
The following sessions will be included as part of our kickoff:

Myths vs. Facts About Nuclear Energy Fear

Tuesday, December 19, 1:00 – 3:00 pm ET
Eligible for 4 CECs

Presented by Robert B. Hayes, PhD, CHP, PE

The common social narratives used by anti-nuclear proponents are reviewed in comparison to the literature. These include nuclear waste, nuclear accidents, terror and nonproliferation. Looking at the facts vs. narratives which focus on an expectation of highly exaggerated radiological risk will be considered to include lifecycle issues related to materials, land use and safety.

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U.S. EPA Superfund Remedial Program’s Approach for Risk Harmonization When Addressing Chemical and Radioactive Contamination at Site

Wednesday, December 20, 3:00 – 5:00 pm ET
Eligible for 4 CECs

Presented by Stuart Walker

To help meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund program’s mandate to protect human health and the environment from current and potential threats posed by uncontrolled hazardous substance (both radiological and non-radiological), pollutant, or contaminant releases, the Superfund program has developed a human health evaluation process as part of its remedial response program. The process of gathering and assessing human health risk information is adapted from well-established chemical risk assessment principles and procedures. Within the Superfund remediation framework, radioactive contamination is dealt with in a consistent manner as with chemical contamination, except to account for the technical differences between radionuclides and chemicals. This consistency is important since at every radioactively contaminated site being addressed under Superfund’s primary program for long-term cleanup, the National Priorities List (NPL), chemical contamination is also present.

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The U.S. Million Person Study of Low-Level and Low-Dose-Rate Health Effects: Status and Innovations

Thursday, December 21, 1:00 – 3:00 pm ET
Eligible for 4 CECs

Presented by Lawrence T. Dauer

The study of populations that received low dose and low-dose rate exposure is of immeasurable value in understanding the possible range of health effects from prolonged exposures to radiation. The Million Person Study of Low-Level and Low-Dose-Rate Health Effects (MPS) is designed to address the major unanswered question in radiation risk understanding: What is the level of health effects when exposure is gradual over time rather than delivered acutely. Over a million healthy American workers and veterans are being studied to evaluate cancer and non-cancer mortality and morbidity following low-LET and high-LET exposure, rare cancers, intakes of radionuclides, and differences in risks between women and men. An overview of the scientific approach for the MPS and its relevance to a low-dose, low dose-rate research program in the U.S., as well as to radiation protection guidance, will be presented. Discussion will include the purpose for studying one million U.S. radiation workers and veterans, the general methodology, status, selected results (including dose response analyses for risks of cancer, circulatory disease, and Parkinson’s disease), planned expansion, and vision. The MPS provides examples of innovation in many areas of epidemiological study, including unique vital status and tracing activities, new science for radiation dosimetry methodologies, evaluation of cognition-related outcomes, and evaluation of multiple stressor outcomes, in addition to cancer and non-cancer impacts, harmonization across cohorts, use of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services beneficiary data files, big data extraction and mining, and multi-model evaluations.

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If you are working on your recertification, this is a great opportunity to take some time before the holiday season to earn some more credits toward completing the process.

Courses are available for both members and non-members for a $75 fee. If you are interested in attending all three courses, you can select the “three-course bundle” pricing from any of the registration pages to receive a discount on your fees. Soon after registering, you will receive a confirmation email from Zoom Webinar with information about the event including your unique link to participate.

We hope you will be able to join us.