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Salary Surveys

Salary Surveys

About the Survey

The 2023 Certified Health Physicist (CHP) survey data was collected by having CHPs submit their responses to survey questions on a web- based data entry form. As was done in previous years, data was collected in conjunction with a salary survey of the entire Health Physics Society (HPS).

The HPS salary survey results will be reported separately in the Health Physics Newsletter. The survey was also available in hardcopy form for those who preferred to fax or mail their responses.

Questions about this survey should be directed to Gary Lauten, via email: chpsalarysurvey@yahoo.com

2023 Results

Data Analysis: The salary ranges marked by CHPs on the completed survey forms were rounded to the midpoints of those ranges before statistical analyses were performed. For example, if a CHP marked the salary range $150,000 to $152,499, their salary was rounded to the midpoint value of $151,250.

Responses from CHPs who were either part time or retired were not analyzed, since the data did not allow meaningful comparisons to be made.

To minimize skewing the results, data from nine survey respondents were excluded from the data analysis because they indicated that they earned less than $80,000 or more than $245,000 per year.

Of nine respondents attaining ABHP certification within the last two years, 89% did not receive a significant (10% or more) salary increase, whereas 11% did receive a significant salary increase.

Of respondents receiving a significant (10% or more) salary increase upon attaining ABHP certification within the last two years: 11% received this increase from a new employer.

Employer Required CHP: Among all CHPs, 16% indicated that their employer required a CHP designation, 40% indicated it was not required, and 43% indicated it was recommended.

CHP salaries by region are also presented in this report.

Value of Certification: Of 136 respondents who answered questions about the value of becoming a CHP, 93% indicated it was a worthwhile and positive experience, 7% were neutral, and 0% negative. Of those answering that it was a positive experience, 78% indicated they gained more professional respect, 51% indicated increased responsibilities, 62% indicated an increased opportunity for advancement, 9% indicated other, and 48% indicated they were compensated with an increased salary.

To view the full survey, data presentation and corresponding tables & figures, read the February 2024 CHP Corner.

Read CHP Corner